
@badragongirl13 Oh sure, go ahead. Thanks for reading my book so much. I'm sorry about the whole big paragraph thing. See I wrote the story originally on Pages, which is basically Microsoft word for the ipad, and copied and pasted it to wattpad. I wasn't aware the transfer made such large hard to read paragraphs until after I re-read it. Thanks again for reading and offering to edit 


@MissRavenclawPhoenix  I'm not sure how to do it. And I use Word to do my stories. I'm kind of new to this whole fanfiction thing and I don't know how to do this whole editing thing. If you could help me it would be fantastic.  Thanks again


@badragongirl13 Oh sure, go ahead. Thanks for reading my book so much. I'm sorry about the whole big paragraph thing. See I wrote the story originally on Pages, which is basically Microsoft word for the ipad, and copied and pasted it to wattpad. I wasn't aware the transfer made such large hard to read paragraphs until after I re-read it. Thanks again for reading and offering to edit 


@MissRavenclawPhoenix  I'm not sure how to do it. And I use Word to do my stories. I'm kind of new to this whole fanfiction thing and I don't know how to do this whole editing thing. If you could help me it would be fantastic.  Thanks again


Hi. I was wondering if I could edit your Avatar fanfiction. I think that it is really good but hard to read because it's all scrunched up into giant paragraphs. I would love to help with that and stuff. Thank you for spending your time to write for us