Hey guys I'm Iranian-American and very very scared of the possibility of war does anyone have any Coping Mechanisms I can use? (Yeah never really brought it up much on Wattpad but. سلام! چطورید؟)
Btw since people tend to be uh. Racist even on news sources and I just had Fox News curse my ears before turning it off: Israel attacked Iran's consulate first at the start of the month, Iran's attack wasn't "unprecedented" it was self-defense. Istg can people just treat Iran normally, one time I tried to look up what tests in Iran look like and all the results were about missiles when I just wanted to see stuff about school. You shouldn't have to specify that. I swear if we were white and not West Asian people would treat us normally. It's depressing. I'm kinda scared even just making this announcement because I'm that paranoid about people viewing me differently knowing about my race and ethnicity but I can't just. Not.