
          	I know it's been a while. 
          	And I've really missed alot
          	But I'm back 
          	So many people left me....so sad
          	I'm working one my story , so anticipate


@Misswritesalots I'm here Don't worry, I know your feelings


رسـالة اليـوُم:
           تأمل التفاصيل اللطيفة في يوُمك وكبرها و اصنع منها لحظاتك الحُلوة ، لا تنتظر أن يمنحك إياها الأخرون ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ..!
           صباحكم بهجة⛅️ ♥ ️ ..


Blade of Ashterah finally hit a 100views omg. Thanks so much everyone!!!
          Sorry for the very slow update 
          I'm still kinda sick
          But I'm getting better gradually 
          Stay safe (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Hi! Sorry to plug but I just want to promote my friend's story, If you have time kindly read: "Days Till Autumn" by La_Estrlla_Binaria here's the link https://my.w.tt/dElMJdiWs7
          Please dont vote right away, we really hope you will give some time to read it but ofcourse It would really mean a lot if you will vote ❣
          Let's support each other :)
          Follow her and I'll do the same (Kindly message me for this matter, I dont really check her followers since I dont have time [im the one who handles the followback thing ] message me for the follow back❣)
          Thank you!❤...again sorry for plugging!