
Hey everyone! I am chugging along in my new WIP, but I do have a full time job plus a part time job (and sometimes a second part time job) on top of being a wife and mom, so I am writing, just not as quickly as I’d like to. Hope y’all enjoy the next story when I publish it! 


Hey everyone! I am chugging along in my new WIP, but I do have a full time job plus a part time job (and sometimes a second part time job) on top of being a wife and mom, so I am writing, just not as quickly as I’d like to. Hope y’all enjoy the next story when I publish it! 


I’m not dead!  Sorry y’all, I’ve had a second job that has taken me away from being able to write like I want to, so it’s taking longer to get out my next story. I do have 6 chapters written, but I would like more of a “head start” before I submit them then don’t have enough to satisfy y’all!  Happy reading!


Through Pain We Survive is now complete! Hope y’all enjoyed it! I do have an idea for a new story, but I will probably take a little time to get it started and get some chapter written before I start posting them. Thank you all for your wonderful support!


Thank you all so much for all the support y’all have been showing me! I’m excited to keep writing Through Pain We Survive! You guys have showered that and A Familiar Prison so much love, I couldn’t even imagine it when I started posting! Y’all are fantastic!


I want to say how much I appreciate all of you for reading my crazy stories. Trust me when I say I was never expecting any of them to get this much attention. Thank you all for sticking with me and going down the rabbit hole that is my mind! I hope I am doing these characters justice for y’all. Again, thank you all!


Thank you all for so many reads on A Familiar Prison. You guys seriously are the best. 
          I am working on a new story, however  I will not be posting as often as I did with A Familiar Prison. It will be 2-3 times a week most likely. I will get it uploaded tonight and I hope you enjoy Through Pain We Survive!