
          	what a cute number of followers thank you all i would really love to talk to everyone so send us a message if you like


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so i would just like some thoughts on this situation i have going. 
          i freidns with this guy his older his mature his to me and yea we get alone very well on a friend bases nothing sexual (duh) and yea just it good. and also had a bf 
          but then i noticed that his background had a picture that looked like a friend i once had over Skype. and asked him if he knew him. this then caused them both to go crazy at me. once calling me a fucking cunt sucking bitch and telling me to kill myself because i was wondering if they could message ryan rhe guy from the picture to message because i miss being friend. 
          this then turned out that it was my all my fault im a lair as well. and then i took it upon myself too go on ryans Tumblr screenshot the picture he was using set as my profile.. they still didnt believe me. it even had ryans Tumblr in the pic and im the one doing something i then go abused by them both and the so called friend. that didnt believe me didnt block me because he wanted he blocked me because his bf told him he hates me. 
          what is there to hate about me why block of you have done nothing wrong.  why are running if your the person who is in the photo.  
          end of the story i losted a great and im no where near closer talking to ryan 
          Nice guys account- @ILoveYouDann
          One that told me to kill myself and that im a fucking cunt sucking bitch asshole and more account -


@Monster_Inside09 you okay? sorry to hear about this :( I hope  we can talk about this


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          just like to make a note to everyone that this guy called jack on that account ^^^^^ yea the imfaobye. 
          i go and say hi. didnt even say hi back and then he asked if i fucking knows me. i said no. like properly should have. next minute he said im suicidal and to pretty much fuck off. and leave him alone. 
          if the creep knew me im suicidal!!! and thats just fucked that he said that. god theres soms rude fucking cunts in this world 


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            and then he blocks me after abusing me. well thats doesnt make me feel like shit at all #hintthesarcasm 