So, I've been seeing the votes come in and the comments begging me to continue. And I know how it feels when the author just ups and leaves the book hanging. I can say that it's not over and I will be continuing the story, however that will only happen much much later.
This year has been chaotic. I started college in Feb and then covid hit in March. I still had to carry on with college online. Now, my exams are starting next week and I don't even know if I'm gonna pass the year. I'm super stressed out and I just want to cry.
As soon as the stress dials itself down and I can breath again, I'll get started on the next chapter. I appreciate the fact that y'all love my book so much and are eager to find out what happens in it. I just ask that you bare with me a little longer please.
Stay safe and don't forget to wear your masks and wash your hands.