
I'm so excited to announce that after a year and eight months of drafting, editing, revising, and design, I have finally completed my first ever novel! It's a fantasy romance complete with angels and demons, a mysterious prophecy, and a human girl who finds herself in the midst of it all. It's available on Amazon in paperback and ebook format and is free if you have a Kindle membership, so if you guys are looking for something new to read, check out Sympathy for the Devil's Son! 


I'm so excited to announce that after a year and eight months of drafting, editing, revising, and design, I have finally completed my first ever novel! It's a fantasy romance complete with angels and demons, a mysterious prophecy, and a human girl who finds herself in the midst of it all. It's available on Amazon in paperback and ebook format and is free if you have a Kindle membership, so if you guys are looking for something new to read, check out Sympathy for the Devil's Son! 


Hey everyone! I know some of you are waiting for the sequel to Magnets, but the best way to get me to post it is to tell your friends and get us to 5K reads! In the meantime, I've started a Supernatural story, would anyone like me to post it? Send me a message about it, I love reader feedback! Thanks to you all! ~Hunter