  • None of your business
  • EntrouApril 2, 2015

Última mensagem
MoonSong88 MoonSong88 Sep 24, 2016 04:57PM
Hey everyone!With less and less free time and more and more things to do in that free time, I've spent close to zero time on Wattpad in the past few months. I'm most probably going to end up not usi...
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Histórias de Inactive
The Second Streets, de MoonSong88
The Second Streets
One slip and Ember Sparson was torn from her home. She didn't go far. She just went... down. Down to th...
ranking #3 em trapped Ver todos os rankings
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?, de MoonSong88
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Because she did. This isn't a jokebook, it's a memoir. The memoir of a chicken, Ruby, who decided to cross a...
ranking #330 em chicken Ver todos os rankings
Country Quizzes, de MoonSong88
Country Quizzes
Some will be guess the song. (I'll provide some lyrics and a photo of the artist and you tell me the title) O...
ranking #37 em surveys Ver todos os rankings