
Everyone, my apologies for not having the voting up by now. Life happens and it called for me. My schedule has cleared once again and I hope to have them in by tomorrow.
          	Hope you all have/had a beautiful day!


Sooooooo my News Feed is being blown up about this debate a certain exMoonwalker ignited about whether Michael Jackson was a satanist or not. Guys let me tell of you something. Believe whatever you want to believe but if you know you still love Michael and if you believe he was the World's greatest angel then don't listen to the opposing side. People of you do agree about MJ being of the devil, I'm not gonna stop you from believing what you strongly believe in and that's fine. But this big debate is breaking down the fandom in one afternoon. I'm afraid there will be no such thing as a Moonwalker by Nov. 30th. Don't discriminate anyone's beliefs and don't try to make others believe what you believe in if you know their beliefs are elsewhere.


@ThatMelaninTho stop acting like your God lmao. You dont even know if michael is a satanist he thanked God for every award he got, he donated millions to charity. And its stupid u believe the  media. You should read my rant about this cuz it explains the reasons why those videos are fake, and he was not a satanist. Do you believe a satanist would visit sick patients while he himself was burned on his head? Lmaoo you poor child. 


@MoonwalkerAwards  I, for one, don't believe it.  Till someone shows me solid, undeniable proof, I'm not buying it.


@choccolate- whatever u believe. But remember how many videos there is about michael and the fact it released 4 years ago lol. Not hating but srsly there is tons of videos of stuff like that