
I really want to know if my content is any good. I don't really get that much feedback but just reads. Reads don't really yelvyou if it's good or not, it just shows how many people *expected* something good out of it. 
          	Please tell me how you feel about my content because I'm having a major self-worth crisis right now. 


I really want to know if my content is any good. I don't really get that much feedback but just reads. Reads don't really yelvyou if it's good or not, it just shows how many people *expected* something good out of it. 
          Please tell me how you feel about my content because I'm having a major self-worth crisis right now. 


this message may be offensive
I may go on hiatus for a while. 
          It's mainly to reevaluate myself and try to put things in order. Things have made me disconnect, so I've seen how I've been, who's really my friend, and realize that my medication wasn't cutting it.
          Aside from myself, I also need to the time to write drafts and work on long forgotten works. My community that I have has encouraged me to pick up something's I didn't think was good enough but others greatly embraced, so I'll be happily scribbling and scratching away for a while as I make everything better for myself. 
          Sorry if this update was lengthy, but I hope you'll understand and hopefully I'll come back full steam and ready to bang out some kicking shit I compose. 
          --2 mayo, 2018