Hey everyone.
So, you may have noticed that it’s December already and there’s no new chapter to “A Holly Jolly Christmas”. Unfortunately, there won’t be one coming any time soon, either.
The reason for this being that I’ve decided to take a break from writing. I know it’s probably come at the worst possible time of what has been, let’s face it, one hell of a year, but it really is a much needed break. Not just for my health but also for the sake of my works in progress (of which there are many) and my writing in general.
Writing is meant to be a stress reliever, a hobby that I enjoy and a way to unwind after a busy day at work. But over the past few months I’ve been enjoying it less and less, and rather than relieving stress, it’s been causing me more. Which is not what anyone needs in a good year, let alone a year like 2020.
So my hope is that by taking a break from writing, I can recharge and get my writing spirit back again. I hope that when inspiration finally strikes and this writer’s block has vanished into the back of beyond, I can pick up my (metaphorical) pen, put it to (metaphorical) paper, the words will flow freely and the characters will come back to life once more.
Until then, I hope you all stay safe and I wish you all well.