
Hey guys it's  paytin um yeah sorry we haven't up dated in so freaking long that's kinda my fault I haven't really talking to Morgan or been on the internet for so so long I kinda just needed a little break I've been through so much lately  and Morgan if your reading this wicth you probably are I'm so sorry I really am I should of told you you honestly are one of my best friend's and I have so much to explain to you .... So yeah .....I'm so sorry....


Hey guys it's  paytin um yeah sorry we haven't up dated in so freaking long that's kinda my fault I haven't really talking to Morgan or been on the internet for so so long I kinda just needed a little break I've been through so much lately  and Morgan if your reading this wicth you probably are I'm so sorry I really am I should of told you you honestly are one of my best friend's and I have so much to explain to you .... So yeah .....I'm so sorry....


hey ever one its paytin under me and morgens account me and Morgan just wanted to say thank you for 89 FRECKING FOLOWERS we love ever single on of you