
What happened to the "The Fox and the Tiger" fanfic?


Have had many talks with my friend about what elements to consider maintaining in the rewrite. A lots been going on in both our lives but the last discussion we’d had on it involved plans for relationships and potential long term plans for Naruto in it. A few ideas bounced around on if rebuilding the Uzumaki clan within Kumo would be an interesting avenue, who that would involve etc. I’m hoping that when my friend gets better from covid, we can have another discussion about it and even find a timeline since I have plans to work on three stories at once. Two are already posted, since the other story has been completed. I’m considering having the rewrite be that third story, or a story where Naruto goes to Suna. So I’m hoping soon, to have it figured out on what will happen and when. 


Hey Moses I saw that your Senju uchiha book is complete. I loved reading it and I plan to finish it this week any way I was wondering what story will you continue writing.


Glad to hear that. I am doing both the fifth hokage and Ace story. There’s a third slowly being worked on to be put out at the same time so that they can all be getting worked on at once. 


Hello, I would like to know how you are doing with Zorro and the Tiger, honestly it is one of the best stories I have seen and on top of that it is very long until where you left it. What I'm trying to say is if you continue to rewrite history. As a story as complete as that, it hurts me that it's not finished, I don't want to bother you, I just would like to know. nothing else. .


It’s not a bother my friend! I totally understand where you’re coming from, when I used to read that would really piss me off a lot. Currently I am working on a couple projects. I want to rewrite that story though, I’m going to be looking to seeing how I want to make it better. I’ve gotten to learn so much and believe that the rewrite will be better. I don’t want to mislead you with a potential date, but…I’m working on the remake. 


Is fox and tiger still continued???


@jasjasxie2 yeah, I know I could put out shorter chapters and have more out that way but I prefer to have a certain sequence of events in each that tend to stretch the lengths


@jasjasxie2 love the book 
            I also understand as most of your chapters are prettey (sry if i spelt that wrong) long. Keep up the good work 


@jasjasxie2 yeah, just haven't had a whole lot of time lately. Hoping next chapter will be out somewhere between Tuesday and Thursday 


You going to do more of the Fox and Tiger


@Kai-Renor yes, I am. I am just working on two stories at once. I spend one week writing a chapter to one story. Then the next week is developing the other story and so on. This month has been harder, because of a wedding that is this week. It should be smoother once this month ends.