
The moment when you realized, doesn't matter how hard you try, that you can't escaped from the f***** up REALITY.


Hey, i know this is going to sound very annoyong and i hate to bother you, but would you mind checking out my fanfic Cathect? I look up to you as a writer so id love to see your opinion! <3 thank you for even reading this!


Ahh thank you so much! And dont worry about the late reply its no problem!! Thank you!!! 


Hey @LittleWizardLuna!   It's my pleasure. 
            Sorry for the late reply tho. Had to stay away from wattpad because I've been busy lately.
            As soon as I have time, I'll check yours. I promise. haha. 
            Thank  you. :)


Chapter 24 is out!
          Finally an update!  It's rare one of these days.  How I wish I can update consistently.
          Let me stop school. Haha.
          Anyway, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.
          Like I said from my previous post, it will be impossible for me to update quickly. Unless I have a rare spare time.
          Yun lang, sige-sige. Paalam! (Bye!)


          Sad to say that I'm not gonna update for a while.  School requirements are so hectic and very time consuming as expected, because I am now in my last year in College. (Yay!)
          Hope to see you again in the future for the next updates. I promise that I'll be back as a better writer.
          Ja, mata ne! :)