
Wow. Wattpad sure has changed since I've last been around. 


this message may be offensive
If any of you haven't seen my thread I posted yesterday in the cafe, here's something I've said that you really should know:
          For a little while I've been gone from Wattpad due to me busy with college & when also with that going on, I was finding myself not being as passionate as I was writing stories like how when I first started out. At times it felt like when I was getting chapters out it felt as I was just getting them out for the sake of getting a chapter out. So I had to take a break because I hated me doing that. But now I am back again and with the passion also! I can't wait to get back to writing which will be today and the equivalent of me being happy is like a kid in the fucking candy store lol. But yea, so excited and I feel so much better :)
          Love you guys! :D (P.S, yes I actually updated my story yesterday lol)