
Dat moment when you have to defend my sexuality to my friend and the fact that I can be pansexual 


I love your stories they are unique and you seem really nice 'doll' *starts doing the cabbage patch and wiggling eyebrows*


Thank you lmao XD 


this message may be offensive
Oh my gosh I just woke up from the weirdest dream ever.... It's like 3am and I feel traumatized.
          So sometimes I have these dreams where I'm a guy cop who carries around a baby and my partner just doesn't agree with my methods nor does he like that I carry around my sisters baby on missions. Anyway I was pushing the babies stroller towards his car but then when I got in there was this huge spider that made a web between the two front seats. And I mean big like it's body was the size of my hand. Just the body alone. So I start screaming and my partner grabs the spider and throws it out the door on my side and I slam the door shut only to realize I left the baby outside with the giant ass spider. So I look between the baby and the spider that's crawling closer to the stroller over and over again. Then take a deep breath and say, "spider, look after my child well. Serve them like you would serve-" and then my partner yelled at me to grab the baby and I woke up because not even dream me is fucking with this huge ass spider.
          But before that I was acting as Wind from one of Pink_Crayon's books in my dream and I was working at a store but I gave up on that dream because it turned out to be a commercial and I was like fuck that.
          I feel like I need therapy for these dreams 


@tukagirl I've thought about doing that before but I almost never get the energy to do it but I might try it this time since I've been remembering them more often now. 


@Mr_Mrs_Bunny lol you should make a special book just about your amazing dreams on wattpad!!!~☆


Dude,those facts were hilariouse


Thank you! The dog food lid one is always a good one. I make it my job to know weird facts for conversations 


Oh gosh this has come so unexpectedly! Idk maybe, where would the wedding take place because we're both from America so I want know how this would go down 


I read your location.  I laughed.  Srsly...  The only other person in my bed is Lad.  He's my dog...


My parents get all our dogs fixed whether their boy or girls they just don't want them to breed 


I like boy new born puppies but girl adult dogs. When puppies mew it can be cute but not when you're trying to sleep and that's all you hear. I've had to deal with 2 sets of newborn puppies before but my dad always takes them away after a day of me having them ;~;


Ok so actually his birth mother died but i kinda adopted him from the day he was born.  That was July 3, 2014... I will always remember the puppies were actually mewing like cats...  :)