Hi to all my lovely readers! You might get kinda mad about this but I’m thinking of bringing Once Upon a Dolan to an end- don’t worry too much, nothing is definite, but it’s just something I’m considering. I think that there are fewer and fewer people as the chapters go on and I’m guessing you guys just don’t find it as entertaining as you used to..maybe I’m just dragging it out. I write for you guys- the readers and I guess it’s kinda disheartening when I don’t know if people are there and enjoying what I’m writing.. I guess even with trying to promote it, people aren’t really into the idea of reading it so maybe that’s a sign for me to stop. I’d really appreciate any feedback from you guys, just telling me what you think about it all, and you never know, I may keep on going. You have to let me know what you think- comment, message me or tweet me @onceuponadolan!! And of course I’d love if you shared the story with your friends, your enemies, people you hate, people you love, your mum, your dad, your dog and your pet fish! No I’m kidding, please don’t force your fish to read my fanfic omg. It’d be cool if you suggested it to any fans of the twins that you know, and I’d really appreciate it, we all know how much I love new readers! You guys are the best readers ever, and whatever happens, it’s been a really good run and I thank you all for supporting me for so long. x