
Hello Everyone I am back and working hard to bring new content I will be starting to add more to my old stories also.  My main story comes frist.  I am so excited to get back into the world of writing.


Hello Everyone, 
          Looks like I have been feeling my story may be going in the wrong direction and want some time to think about it.  While I am doing that I Have been thinking about putting out a romance novel and learning how to write one.  And I have never done so.  I will  be thinking about the type of story I will be writing for all of you.  I want to expand my writing and learn about new ways to write.  While i am doing that I will post a few short stories that are practice runs as I expand my writing.  I do hope that you will Enjoy the stories I will be writing.


Hello everyone,
          I had not posted last week so sorry about that.  I will be hopefully posting two chapters for both stores this week and getting back on track.  So excited to keep making stories for everyone.  


Hello i am making a slow come back with all the changes I have been working on.  I will be working on Warrior Academy again.  Yay, so excited to finally have space to work again.  
          I will also be adding a story i have been perfecting for quite some time in the coming future this one is a passion project.  I am so excited to go on this journey with you all.


Published Changes to Warrior Academy and added a few things i have a writing plan set out everyday so that I can publish chapters more daily and am working on bring you my stories to you.  I cannot wait to share so much more with you all and enjoy working together on this amazing platform.


Hey guys, 
          So I have been learning about how to make my writing better and make my stories more fun.  Yay who does not love more fun.  So I will be Editing some of my stories adding in some content and taking things out to make my story something that will be super amazing.  Let go ahead and go on this journey together I absolutely can not wait.


Hello Everyone, 
          I started a passion project on here.   I realized that I never fit in as who I was, I want to share that feeling and also let you know you don't have to fit in.  You are perfect just as you are.  That is what my new story Elemental is all about.


Hello Everyone this next chapter will be late due to this crazy week.  I am thinking possibly Monday for this one and hopefully will keep to the schedule for the next chapter.  This is a work in progress so feel free to comment.  After all it is so new it dose not have a cover yet.