
Hey guys! I should be able to update Semper Fi within the next couple of days because tomorrow is my last day of school! I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it so far and if you have any feedback or comment you would like to give me just reply to this post  Thank you for everyone who has stayed loyal to this story too ❤️


Hey guys! I should be able to update Semper Fi within the next couple of days because tomorrow is my last day of school! I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it so far and if you have any feedback or comment you would like to give me just reply to this post  Thank you for everyone who has stayed loyal to this story too ❤️


Hey guys! Sorry I have not updated this fanfic in a while, I have just gotten kind of bored with it but I am going to continue writing it. Hope you guys had a great spring break and I love hearing all of your feedback!