
Has it been 5 years already?? Wth?


Hello there O^O I found my old wattpad profile, and I found yours...


@MsPasta009 I'm and idiot it's the same password i've been using for like 4 years now...


@MsPasta009 it wouldnt let me sign in and I forgot the password, this is my new account though. I miss you too!!


So  I might be an interesting person! I have a story called Unholy Worship, which is still a work in progress! But it is a story that you, yes you, may want to check out!! I'm excited about having a story to publish for you guys to read!! 


Also, a little irl catch up, I have a sweet boyfriend who I am very in love with. A lot of good friends. My birthday is next month. My friend is trying to get a bf and I'm being as supportive as possible. I'm going to try out for Marching Band. And that's about it.


Hello all of my followers, sorry for so much inactivity the past year or so. I've been living more and more of a life outside the internet, and it drains me so much. This leads to less and less time on places I enjoy being like Wattpad. Hopefully soon I will be working on an original story or some fanfics! Anyway, thank you all for following me and dealing with all the stuff I do!!


Howdy, I'm alive but that's probably not important seeing that i don't make any books :/ BUT!! That might change. I plan on possibly posting a Zombie story soon. It'll have my "ocs" in it. By "oc's" I mean random characters I made up and kinda stuck to???? But,, like I'm excited to possibly give you guys regular updates on my own series!! Then you'll have good reason to follow me instead of just being really nice people!!


So quick update. I'm not dead. I got a new kitty named Opal. I am working on art and stuff, but I do not plan of updating any stories or being extremely active unless I'm reading. Please don't Pm me, I don't see them anymore since I have to use the website on a kindle. I am not allowed the app rn. Hope you guys are okay and have a good day.