
          im a part of the cat family aka Rebeca(tiniekitty) , AlleyCat and Nicollettenikki. LOL, so speaking for my family i'd like to say -  READ VOTE AND COMMENT!!! on our stories and poems! u will not be dissappointed , give them a look!
          Comments are the sunshine to our world , and Votes are what brings a bright smile to our face! and fans are people who blow us away with their wind of generosity !!! So hope u check out all of us!
          P.S read - no one would ever guess by Ch1ld0fCynt4r OR damned since birth by StephG too... whenevr u get the time plzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
          tc love,
          P.P.S" i love to talk so u can stop by at my page whenevr ur bored, read my story - Alexis Braveheart OR Mirror Image