
I'm sorry I haven't been on since like what? Last August. I promised I'd post and I never did. I'm trying to work on it now since school is almost out and I have a little more free time because of that!
          	 I'm going to try to end the story soon so I won't have to worry about it much, but I did update the cover! Reply or message me if your still interested or anything? I'm glad to see some of you enjoying it still! Makes me happy! Seen a few negative ones which have put me in the gutter a lot but I've gotten over it!
          	So I guess keep a look out for an update! I'll be trying to end it soon like I said before and I'll try not to make it suckish! 
          	Thank you reading, voting and commenting! I'm almost to 100,000 reads! Never thought I'd get that far but I'm still very thankful! 
          	Hope all of you have had a good school year so far and hope everything is going ok! Wish y'all the best <3 xx


I'm sorry I haven't been on since like what? Last August. I promised I'd post and I never did. I'm trying to work on it now since school is almost out and I have a little more free time because of that!
           I'm going to try to end the story soon so I won't have to worry about it much, but I did update the cover! Reply or message me if your still interested or anything? I'm glad to see some of you enjoying it still! Makes me happy! Seen a few negative ones which have put me in the gutter a lot but I've gotten over it!
          So I guess keep a look out for an update! I'll be trying to end it soon like I said before and I'll try not to make it suckish! 
          Thank you reading, voting and commenting! I'm almost to 100,000 reads! Never thought I'd get that far but I'm still very thankful! 
          Hope all of you have had a good school year so far and hope everything is going ok! Wish y'all the best <3 xx


AH! I'm so sorry for not updating for nearly 2 months! I always thought about my story, but was always too busy DX I hope when I update again, you'll remember me and read it! But I have NOT forgotten my story! Sorry to those who have been waiting for my update! The end of the story will come soon sadly :( Thank you EVERYONE for reading, voting and commenting my story. You have given me a better confidence with my writing and have improved me :) Ok, I'll shut up now haha! Talk to me! <3 ~Ali xx