
hi guys! I've decided to start fresh :) New account is @greek_brunette. If you read this I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. Happy New Years!


hi guys : ) i don't know who will read this, but if you do, thanks for doing that. I have new ideas. this won't be like the last time where I said I had a new book idea and then didn't do anything. i really hope i stick to this because where im going is really good i think. thanks again for sticking by if you did. < 3


I know it's been a while since i've said anything...... like A WHILE..... but i'm going to start saying stuff about my life and about how my progress on my new book The Bug Gang is going! So, so far I'm still writing about the characters and planning out the plot. I'll update soon! <3


Hey! Just read your story, bcause your username really interested me. I really, really liked your story. I have greek background, and love love loveee music too! do you live in greece?


yeh, second gen too, I live in Australia though


Thank for reading my story! No but I am a second gen. American.


Great question! The way to gain some viewers it to share your story. Make a reading list and but some books in it that include yours. Share that reading list on social media. Share the book itself on social media. 
          There isn't a right or wrong way to gain views but those are some tricks I use.
          Most importantly tho, give it time.