
And on that note I'm proud to announce that I've finished writing blood sisters and the last chapter is up and running so without further ado read it and give comments on what you think about the book itself.


Hey,guys I know I've been scarce lately and I'm sorry but I've been busy with school stuff as the work is immense and to add to the stress I've started writing a new book anf it's taking up most of my time as a consequence I can't update any of my pending books on wattpad. I hope  you guys can understand where I'm coming from. 


hey hey my most loved followers, im here saying that im happy to say that i'll be updating in the next week, as to i know i have't updated in a long while, im also thanking all of you for following me and reading,voting and commenting on my books. To Bree and chzaSYR thank you for your amazing support and ideas.


Thank you so much for adding the entire Deerborn Series to your reading list and for all of the votes on Deerborn: Bloodline! I really appreciate it and I hope you're enjoying it so far. :-)


@smurfrielle hey smurf how you been man? listen I need pointers for this new book I'm writing. PM me when you read this,I really need your help.


@Mustang-wolf Awe! Thank you! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy them. :-)


@smurfrielle hahaha yea I am smur n as far as I'm concerned they are an amazing series #Deerborn


Thank you so much for following! I really hope you enjoy The Deerborn Series. :)


@smurfrielle I love em... man they are sooo interesting the first time I read them. I was hooked for life