I'm writing a new book that I could probably legally publish since everything will be original. It is based on a dream I had where I was with one of my crushes and we were in love but we both knew it wouldn't work since I was an owl and he was human.
There was something where I ran away, got pregnant with one of my owl friends to get away from my grief, and I found this magical place of the dead where I was turned into a horse and had to escape to become me again. (I'm going to change this in the book to make more sense). Then I saw my crush and I ran after him, calling his name and he ran after me, and we went in circles until I turned around and realized he was there.
I became an owl once more and we left the place with me on his shoulder. I was heavily pregnant with an egg and we wanted to leave as soon as possible. Once I laid it, I decided that I wanted to stay an owl. But I'm not sure what happened with me and my guy.