Hiya Amber,
Thank you very much. it is lovely to meet you, the cap on my keyboard is a bit dodgy sometimes it works with sheer brute force. Like now .
Best wishes kristie :)
Hey, Amber! Thanks for the F♡LL♡W! And I love your pen name! Marilyn A Hepburn is also a pen name. I sort of combined my three favorite celebrities to make a single person. Marilyn Monroe. Albert Einstein. Audrey Hepburn.
@MyGuiltyPleasuresXx Awe! Thanks, Lady! I'm actually having lots of fun writing this story. Partly because I don't have to think about what's going to happen (since it's a true story) and partly because I can add little bits here and there of the things I "wish I would've said and done." You know: those brilliant comebacks in your head... that decide to arrive 24 hours later. haha. I literally giggle out loud as I write. Thank goodness no one is videoing me! :D
@MarilynAHepburn You're quite welcome! And I love yours too! I kind of guessed Marilyn and Audrey, it was the A the confused me, haha. :D Really love your writing too, can't wait to see more of NURSE McSEXY!
Dude, every writer thinks their work is juvenile and cliche. Forced confidence is a large part of writing, and I know you've got this. Keep writing :-)