
I will be taking a brake from posting chapter for how to fix a broken heart. Im so sorry for any inconvenience this night cause


Thank you for posting the next chapter, and I'm I'm the middle of a story that I saw that I left some remarks from 3 years ago and another remark from 2 months ago, and as I'm  reading now I feel as if I'm reading it, sure in the back of my mind I remember it, but I don't remember the specifics,  so it really feels like I'm reading it new!!1 So let's hope that by the time I finish it, and start this story another chapter has been added,  probably the last!?! :)


Thank you VERY much for not being done with this story, and of course LIVE your life to its fullest and just add more to the story when you can GET the perfect time to add more to it!!! 
          Thanks for letting me know ❤❤


I loved this chapter, but I was already thinking that after her accident that she moved in with Regina, so she could take care of her, and I really want to see how her parents react to her actually moving in, but their claiming Kingston AS their grandkid, says that they were expecting this, and possibly more?? And I see them getting Married and her Mom giving Em her grandmother's ring to propose with, but you see, I really hope that your NOT done (the proper use of this word) writing this story!!


@Misty4Mark im not done writing just got alot going on in life right now with working two jobs


So I have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head for my next book and I was wondering what you guys might think or want to read I want it to be a fanfiction I'm open to but I really don't want to do when I want to do a book of my own my own ideas my own characters my own class and I want to see what you guys might be interested in Reading


            What people do you want to fanfic? I'm always looking for new Regina Mills and Emma Swan stories, but I'm not sure what you are looking for??


Please don't worry I didn't feel offended by your note AT all, I just felt that you were being honest about my not remembering correctly,  and I believe that I'd already told you that I could be wrong, so I just felt that you were backing me up in the fact that I was wrong, so please don't feel bad!!


@Misty4Mark i just updated my book yesterday and im going some research for my new book today


Then please excuse me, it's just that I've read SO many SQ stories that I just see another story in your story!!! And that's exactly what Wattpad is all about. It's for authors to write and tell us, the readers, your story AT your pace not ours!! Because you have a life to live as well!! 


@Misty4Mark I also want to tell you a lot of my spelling issues are because I voice text sometimes my voice isn't clear but it's easier for me to voice text than to type it all out


@Misty4Mark I want to apologize for coming off so roughly yesterday I was having a very bad day and I had no right to take it out on you so I am very very sorry for that also I'm getting ready to post a couple chapters of a new story I'm writing and I think you might enjoy it. If you like anything like Percy Jackson you should like it but before I posted you should know it's not a Percy Jackson book and it's not from his point of you either


Boy, I think this is the 3rd time that I've read this story, and the first time I remember correcting your writing ALOT, and then not so much,  and this time I just finished the story and I felt that there was SO much missing! Wasn't there a second story to this one, where they get married, and Em becomes a Math teacher and while they move to Hawii, the Em either gets raped, the cause for the move and has twins they raise in Hawaii, where I also see David and M.M. visiting for Christmas and decided to move there and get closer to the family, and I thought that the reason why the just felt so right for each other was because Gina actually did babysit Em in her senior year but stopped when she went to college?? But I'm not sure here, because you never mentioned their age difference, except that she was married and has a kid. Who knows I could be mixing up a story that I read at the start of my SwanQueen gotta read about, but I thought for sure that it was in this story? And stop it, that is what Wattpad IS all about, it's here for authors to write stories and share them, and it goes off of the writers time-line and not the impatient readers demanding your next update!! 


@Misty4Mark I'm going to be as played as I can none of that stuff has ever happened in any of my story. This is the first time I've ever tried to explain writing something other than the TV show Wednesday fanfiction that I wrote. So yes things are going to be missing details spelling wrong. Yeah the chapters are short because I can't read long chapters I have a hard time with it and I know there's somebody else out there just like me who can't read long chapters like I can't. As for updating my chapters I have a full-time job taking care of people and I come take home and take care of more people so I update as often as I can. I'm a 26 year old woman trying to explore her love for reading and writing when my life is already full bear with me I hope you enjoy my book but please don't criticize me for the way I write. And if I got that whole thing wrong please tell me but I feel like all you did was criticize me