Hey, I'm Elly. I'm more of an artist and historian than a writer, don't hold it against me. 

Age 19. Female. Pansexual. Have some medical issues.

I Have 3 cats, one of which is 16 and refuses to leave me alone, all 5lbs of her are always within a few feet of me.

My interests are mainly video games, paleontology, science, history, and I like to rp. I draw pretty well also.

My Favorite games and shows include

• Durarara
• Bojack Horseman
• Xenoblade Chronicles (both 1 and 2)
• About every zelda game (except the toon Link ones *Windwaker excluded)
• The World Ends With You
• Minecraft (can't help it, building junk is so fun. It's like violent lego.)

I am also diagnosed autistic so I will probably have problems understanding certain things like indirect hints >__< and like... emotions.
  • SumaliMay 23, 2016

Huling Mensahe
MyLucidRealm MyLucidRealm Feb 07, 2019 08:01PM
If you have a discord my account is LucidRealm #6471
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