
Oof, dudes and dudettes. Oof. Finals are tough, and good luck to anyone and everyone that may have them soon.


Find something that relaxes you and keeps you calm. If you ever have a bad day or are having a difficult time with something: take a bit of a break and think of what you find relaxing and calming. If it's a physical object, then bonus points, dude! Get a stress ball from a fabric store (just trust me) and squish-squosh the heck outta it! Or make your own using things like some old fabrics and rice, a balloon filled with squishy stuff (your choice), or even just one of those fidget cubes or something.


Happiness is like a ball: to keep it going -- you have to make sure that it's filled enough, and you have to keep it going by pushing it. Push your happiness ball around so you can get the most out of it, and make sure that your happiness ball is filled so you can keep it going.
          (Fun little fact: you can ultimately "trick" your brain to be happy by smiling. So, if you want to be happy but can't think of anything happy, just smile for a while.)


I think I'll post just nice compliments on here for a week. If anyone wants it to go on for longer, just say so. Or if you want a compliment aimed specifically at someone or a specific compliment, just say so as well.
          But, I want you all to know that you're important -- important to me, to your family, your friends, your pets (if you have any), and even just to the Earth itself. You're important and you're loved.


@CatAnt5 Haha! I'm glad you do!


Hi. I hope you're all having a good day. If you're not having a good day, then try to find something good in today. Find a happy little cloud, or splash in a puddle, or steal a puppy -- whatever you can find that's good. That's pretty much all I wanted to say. Thank you to those people who have read this.


@CatAnt5 Of course. Any time.