قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
im such a high fucker everytime i write. i blame my typos purely on the high.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
ive always been disappointed at myself but this is a whole new level of disapointment. i just want to disappear or something. someone take me far far away and let's find ourselves our own Fair Isle where we can run a lighthouse inn and have a big cute labradoddle named Clifford. 
          Do I want Louis's life in Tired Tired Sea? Damn fuck, I do.


Hay I was thinking about writing a hp fan fic and I loved the idea of having all four founders as ansisters (idk how to spell Srry) I’m just here to ask if I can use that idea bc I wanted to try sm new bc I’m more of a math and science person than reading a ss so I can’t say if I’ll even post the fan fic but I just wanted it concent (btw love the fan fic ur an amazing writer)


Also the last name bc it’s the perfect last name and I’ve had now clue what I’ll use for the last name 


Also the sorting part of the story too (I’ll give u credit)


Are you going to continue the HP fanfic??? I really really love it and want to read SO MUCH MORE!! pleaseee


@briellekailyn yes, love. Im currently working on a chapter. Hopefully, i'll be able to upload at least one or two chapters tonight


Hi!! Im your new reader of your HP fanfic♥️
          Pls dont stop publish it, i kinda love it!! Keep it up  (sorry for my bad eng)


@s4dsnflwrs thank u so much, love! Hopefully i can keep u guys entertained with that book! 