Love kanin chronicles (no i don't have a problem) (yes i do need help)
Konstantin Black is Bae
Ridley Dresden is Amazing
Ember Holmes is Awesome
Tilda Abbott is fierce
Bryn Aven is cool
Love kai from lunar chronicles
sizzy and malec for life (of course)
KaNiN ChRoNiclEs (i say it once i say it agian)
MorTal inStrUmenTs
thE inFerNal DeviCes
shaDowHunters ON frEeForM
HarRy POtteR
ThE lOvE tHat sPlIt tHe EaRth
mArVel AgeNts of ShEiLd
DOcTor WHo
reD QuEen seRiEs
OnCe UpoN a tiMe
tHe FlasH
GRaVitY FallS
HuNgeR gAmEs
inHuMan TRiloGy
keEpeR Of The loSt citiEs
lAnD Of Stories
JoHn gReEn bOoks
luNaR CHroNiclEs
A CoUrt of SeRieS
Fandoms consume our lives and break our hearts............ well it looks like i've got nothing to lose where's the pen? -me
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- London Institute
- Se ha unidoAugust 27, 2016
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