
          	HEYHEY!! quiz shoutout to the lovely @ARMY_PARADISE pls if you all have time check out their book, Falling for a Demon ^^


Author  did u take down  fire story ??


@susan302713 yeah I did, I'm sorry for that I just didn't like it if that makes sense:,)


I’m gonna cry I miss it, I was just coming to re-read it damn 


Hello lovlies! 
          as we all know, the world is a messed up place and many innocent black lives get taken by the police brutality, not only in America but in other countries as well. as the future generation we should stick together and change the world, make it so every person of any race feels safe and doesn't fear for their life.
          its horrible we have cops that act like this. they're supposed to protect us ya know. anyways, pls do what you can. sign petitions(, donate if you can, join protests(if you do pls be careful as they can turn violent), and to white people use your privilege to speak up for the minorities.