Do you guys want a rewrite of Project Greenhouse Gases? I would focus more on character development and make it sadder. Lemme know.
@Myfunnyusername94 I personally like the idea of making a whole new story with all the reverse cliches (which are sort of cliches anyway). So like a brand new story with a shy, smart, and secluded (ALLITERATION I’M SO PROUD) guy and a popular, outgoing, and athletic girl. The outgoing and popular girl could fall in love with the guy but she be tsundere. That’s the basis but all ur ideas are really good so go with whatever. Just helping out with suggestions. If you like this idea, can we make it a collab and post it on both our channels? That would be fun!
Or 2. A story about a girl whose boyfriend cheats on her, but with a twist.