
Okay, this is getting annoying... 
          	Can you people stop putting inappropriate links on my books! 
          	You guys know who you are! It's just plain out rude! 
          	Everyday I have to check up on my books incase someone puts up any link that is inappropriate. The fact that I have young audience/readers that support my books, I can't just leave those links out in the open. 
          	Has this ever happened to you guys? 


@Myra21126 yes, I'm dealing with the same thing!!!


Okay, this is getting annoying... 
          Can you people stop putting inappropriate links on my books! 
          You guys know who you are! It's just plain out rude! 
          Everyday I have to check up on my books incase someone puts up any link that is inappropriate. The fact that I have young audience/readers that support my books, I can't just leave those links out in the open. 
          Has this ever happened to you guys? 


@Myra21126 yes, I'm dealing with the same thing!!!


It's been almost 4 years since I started this account...
          Throughout the years, I decided to stick to one anime which is Inazuma, but I've been thinking lately...
          Should I start doing a variety of anime fanfics?
          I personally the idea, but I kinda want a second about it, any thoughts?


Today is October 31 here.  Earlier this morning, I have published my new fanfic. It is an Inazuma eleven go galaxy one. I do hope you guys would be interested in reading it.
          I also noticed one more thing, many people asked me about my OC's book. 
          What's the purpose of it?
          -There are actually two purposes for this book. One is for one-shot purposes. Second is for special fanfics written about them.
          Are you going to write a story about them?
          - Yes, and my new story, "Skaia", revolves around my OC (written in the book).
          The OC character in the story is temporarily not at my OC's book due to some errors. 
          For now, I just like to announce my new book. Hope you guys read it.
          This story will have:
          -Spoilers about the series (If you haven't watch the series, I have warned you guys)
          -It will also include some of my art. I will be drawing my character for some certain scenes in the story.
          -Some grammar errors (You have been warned)
          That's all for now!!


@Myra21126 it's okay I know the series I have watched it many times it's now imprint in my soul XD


@MakerTaker I think you can watch the series on a website that I watch. If you want? Or you could the story since this is based on the series itself


@Myra21126 as far as I remember I have go galaxy 10 times on T.V without the seeing the ending though (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)


After so long of writing my very first fan fiction her in Wattpad, I can officially say that it is complete. 
          Now I will continue to update my second story which is "Glimpses of you," and then on October 31,2020 I will be publishing a new story. 
          Please stay tuned for more announcements that's all! 
          Have a great day! :) 


Hey Guys! 
          I would like to apologize to my readers who have been supporting my story for not updating lately. Due to the new normal of classes in our country makes it harder for to update. 
          I have drafts for the next chapters of my two stories. 
          Lastly, I will confirm that the Campanula is nearly finish. Two chapters left. I may add special chapters, but I will think about it. 
          My other story, Glimpses of you, will have new chapter by October. I'm not exactly sure when, but it's in this October. 
          Once again, I apologize for updating lately. 
          I hope you understand... I'm still a student after all. 
          Thank you, Have a good day! 


@Myra21126 I will be waiting~


Myra-san....Do you like Kirino-kun? Also how's your day?


Confusing I guess... 


Its okay Myra-chan nobody knows what is your age also hows you and Kirion-kun


@Laylahartfila okay never mind sorry Layla-chan


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          ₐ ₛqᵤₐᵣₑ ₕₐₛ ₄ ₑₙdₛ
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          ₐ ₗᵢₙₑ ₕₐₛ ₂ ₑₙdₛ
          Bᵤₜ ₒᵤᵣ fᵣᵢₑₙdₛₕᵢₚ ₕₐₛ ₙₒ ₑₙdₛ, yₒᵤ ₐₘₐzᵢₙg bₑₐᵤₜᵢfᵤₗ ₕᵤₘₐₙ bₑᵢₙg!!
          ᵢ wᵤᵥ yₒᵤ! ❤️
          Send this to people you care about. UwU


Happy Late Birthday B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅ ][̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̅̅Y̅Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪♪☆
          \(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆
          (๑・ω-)~♥”  Happy Birthday!


@Myra21126  Welcome!  Watt pad deleted my emoji though.  ( ̄へ ̄). You are a very kind junior. 


Junior, nice website btw but do you have discord you can spread your YouTube channel via discord.


@MakerTaker  Wow wattpad been weird now. I didn't get this notification, bored because of it?


@MakerTaker I used to have discord but it didn't took me long to delete it 