
Edited another chapter of A Mysterious Past! Haha I spent a very long time on it, so I hope you guys like it! I'll be editing more of A Mysterious Past a much as I can now that I have more time on my hands during the summer! :D Happy reading!


Edited another chapter of A Mysterious Past! Haha I spent a very long time on it, so I hope you guys like it! I'll be editing more of A Mysterious Past a much as I can now that I have more time on my hands during the summer! :D Happy reading!


Ahh my gosh look!! It's a Christmas Miracle! 8D Lol okay well not really, but anyhow, I finally did something!! I feel terrible about having done absolutely nothing on wattpad for probably the past three months and then saying that I'd be deleting stuff.
          But hey, I edited another chapter of A Mysterious Past! And you know, I don't think I'll be deleting it. I mean, I don't know, I might I guess but I mean I really don't know. It's just really grown on me. And when I edit my old chapters, I remember just how boring I really was with my writing and it makes me want to finish it that much more!
          Their Last Chance will have to be put on hold, that's for sure. But I promise I'll come back to it as soon as I can! <:3
          Oh, and P.S. the profile picture is Ringo Starr from the Beatles. :3 xD This is a screenshot I took of him from when I was watching the movie The Beatles: The First US Visit. He's such a cutie isn't he? x3 The funny thing is though that he's turning 72 tomorrow on the seventh. Happy almost birthday Ringo! You and George were always my favorite two Beatles! It's sad that George and John are both gone. ;(
          <333 Beatles fan forever!!!


Hey everyone! Thank you for being my amazing fans and staying with me even though I haven't had much up lately. Sorry if I've been really MIA lately... ^^" It's just that these stories... I barely know where I'm going with them. I'm thinking about deleting a few actually, but I don't know which ones you guys want me to keep! The ones I might delete are Thier Last Chance and A Mysterious Past. So I'll leave it to you guys to decide which one of the two stay or go. If you want me to keep A Mysterious Past, then give me seven votes for each chapter. If you want me to keep Their Last Chance, then give me seven votes on each of those chapters.
          Thank you guys so much for being such amazing fans and I'm really sorry I have to delete some stuff. I hope you guys will still stay with me, but if not, I understand. <:' )


A new chapter of TLC is finally up! :D I'm so sorry if it's been so long! :( I'm going to be doing a lot more of editing for A Mysterious Past, but I'm going to put it as a seperate story. So I'll be deleting the one that's up sometime this weekend and putting up my new edited version. Keep an eye out for it! I'll be sure to make it as non-boring as I can!~


Another chapter of A Mysterious Past edited :D Made non-boring just for you guys! And let me tell you, it sure takes a long time to edit that!! When I read back on that book, I don't know how I managed to make it so boring! I had to literally rewrite that whole entire chapter! I wrote it in Mona's POV, instead of in the third person, because back then I didn't really write that much in the point of view of characters. I don't know how soon it will be until a new chapter of Their Last Chance is up, but it shouldn't be too long.


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. D: I'm so sorry!! But I have an announcement! :D I am going to be rewriting the first few chapters or so of A Mysterious Past because according to many people that I know have said that it can be... Well, boring. Sooo, considering that I think I write much differently now compared to then, I am going to be rewriting some of those chapters. :3 I'll be doing my best to update Their Last Chance soon, too!


Okeydokie, I just finished editing a few chapters of Their Last Chance. But you know, the name isn't really fitting the storyline so much anymore... :| Oh well.
          I don't know if I'll be able to update today because I have a HUGE project to be working on, but I'll do my best! ~


Yay! All new chapters of Their Last Chance are up! :D I'm really tired though. :( But I'm in Florida right now for winter break! :D But I'm really tired. :( Wait... Didn't I just say that? I did, huh? Sorry, I'm just really tired!! I had to get up at four this morning and then we left my house at five thirty and we drove to the airport and it took about an hour and then we had to wait at the airport for two hours and then get on a flight that was two hours long and then we had to get off, wait two more hours, get on another flight that was two hours long and then we walked around for a half hour until we found the rental cars and then it took us about an hour to get to our hotel which isn't even that nice. :( Oh well. At least I still have wattpad! :D