
Hi guys! I'm finally back from my little break. So, a couple of little bits of info before I jump into updating.
          	First, I will not be updating like crazy like I usually do when I forget to update for a while. My challenge and MNS will continue updates like regular, as if I never even took a break at all.
          	Second, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Hard to believe 2016 has already come and gone and now we are in 2017...
          	I think that is about it, but like I said, updates will continue as regular now and MNS will be updated next week. (For those of you who don't know what MNS stands for, it stands for My Night Stalker).
          	I cannot stress this enough. School is my main priority, updating my stories and whatnot is way lower on the list, so if I miss a few days here and there of updating, which is nothing new, it is probably because I'm working and all that. 
          	Anyways, enough of my babbling. It's good to be back and I thank you for reading this little update.
          	Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! Sayonara!


Hi guys! I'm finally back from my little break. So, a couple of little bits of info before I jump into updating.
          First, I will not be updating like crazy like I usually do when I forget to update for a while. My challenge and MNS will continue updates like regular, as if I never even took a break at all.
          Second, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Hard to believe 2016 has already come and gone and now we are in 2017...
          I think that is about it, but like I said, updates will continue as regular now and MNS will be updated next week. (For those of you who don't know what MNS stands for, it stands for My Night Stalker).
          I cannot stress this enough. School is my main priority, updating my stories and whatnot is way lower on the list, so if I miss a few days here and there of updating, which is nothing new, it is probably because I'm working and all that. 
          Anyways, enough of my babbling. It's good to be back and I thank you for reading this little update.
          Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! Sayonara!


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know while I had a little bit of time that I will be taking a small break from updating. I'm very busy with school and making preparations for Christmas, so I won't be updating for a while. Exactly how long, I'm not sure, but it could last a week at minimum or until January of 2017 at max. So please bear with me for the time being. Thank you all so much and I will "see" you all soon! Merry Christmas!


Wow, I am really not good at keeping on top of updating, am I? I'm going to be serious here for a moment, school, family, and friends are going to be my main priorities, so you guys have to understand I won't be able to update 24/7 because of work or activities or issues that are going on. Thanksgiving break and Winter break are coming up soon, and I hope to spend some of my time off updating. Thank you all so much for reading this quick little message and please be patient with me!
          Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! Sayonara!


Good evening, loyal followers!
          I wanted to let you all know that this week will be full of updating! This goes for all my stories, Not So Bad After All, My Night Stalker, and Ender Clan. Thank you all so much for reading and stay tuned for plenty more updates!
          Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! Sayonara!
          ~ Mystery


Hey guys,
          So, I haven't been updating lately, and I am truly sorry about that. However, I have a lot of stress going on right now. I'm taking about an 8 hour trip tomorrow to visit my aunt, who is very, very sick, I haven't heard a word from my best friend in over two weeks now and that is really starting to gnaw at me, I am stressing over school because I have so many other things going on right now I have no idea if I will have the time for it, and some other things are going on that are worrying me so much to the point of me feeling physically sick. It is kind of funny how everything will be perfectly fine the day prior, but it only takes a couple of scenarios to completely crash it and leave you physically and mentally ill. Not to mention my main source of venting and easing my stress is talking to my best friend, who I have not heard from in about two weeks now, is pretty much gone. I am not putting any blame on her because I really care about her and I understand she is going through a lot as well. Please bear with me for a while because I have a lot of other priorities right now. I'm sorry for such a long and boring message and for my absence in my writing, but thank you to those who took the time to read this very important message. So I will hopefully have everything on track before the week is over. Goodbye for now and I hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening. Sayonara!


Okay, so I'll be honest. I'm being lazy at the moment and not writing, it is not that I've lost motivation to write, it is just that I'm out of ideas at the moment. So here is the deal. I am taking a week's break from writing and next week I will continue as normal. This week will be focused on school, relaxation, and working on ideas for my books. Next week, as said earlier, writing will be continued as normal. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening. Sayonara for now!
          ~ Mystery :)


Just wanted to give everyone an update! School is going really well for me, I'm actually enjoying it. It's time consuming, and I have nearly forgotten about writing multiple times. That being said, everything is going splendid. I also wanted to request something. If you could, please vote, comment, or even share my stories so I can start trying to get a bigger audience. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! Sayonara!


Since school is starting in about 5 days for me, I need to start trying to adapt a schedule with updating. It might be a tad disappointing since I update pretty much all my stories every single day, but I need to adapt a schedule and put school first. So, the following will be my posting schedule after today:
          Not So Bad After All: Mondays
          EnderClan: Fridays
          30 Day Anime Challenge: Everyday until completed
          Thank you all for taking the time to read this message and I hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!


I just wanted to let you know that I love you baby girl. I don't know if you know how much you mean to me, so ima tell you. You mean more to me than a boy (yes including channing tatum, even tho he is my future hubby), you mean more to me than food, you mean more to me than school, you mean the world to me baby girl. These three years have been a roller coaster full of ups and downs, curves and straights, loops and swirls. But I wouldn't wish anybody else in your place. I know that if I'm upset, all I gotta do is call you and you're there. I love you so much, baby sis. You're my bae bug. Never leave me, okie?


I just woke up for school and thanks baby girl. Ima go get ready and hope for the best today. Have a good day


@Alyssabeasley I know the feeling, sweetheart. We should look into you coming over sometime, I will be very busy for the next week or two, but we should definitely look into having you come over. I love you, too, sweetheart, sleep well and have a good day at school tomorrow <3


I love ya sweetheart but unfortunately I need to get some sleep. Waking up early in the morning. Call me tmrw after school. I get home around three thirty