hey! If u want to understand the true perspective of life, then plz read my book...its like something new about the plot of life..life is a mixture of numerous vagaries,hindrances,stumbling blocks, obstacles,hurdles and as well as happy moments and memories...It is love which makes a man bonded untill death and also after it..this is a book which exemplifies human love and trust..u will surely like it i guess...if u like my book, then PLS FOLLOW ME AND VOTE..I WILL BE BLESSED...TAKING AN OPINION FROM AN AUTHOR LIKE U CAN BE THE BIGGEST TURN OF MY LIFE..U WILL SURELY NOT LIKE IT BUT LOVE IT..BY THE WAY CRITICISM IS ALWAYS WELCOME.... LOTS OF LOVE, bHARATH JUST ONCE WILL U GIVE ME THE CHANCE..DONT WONDER OF IT DOES WONDERS..PLZZZZ .LOL.LOL.LOL.LOL.LOL.

@Wattspad000 Wow! What an elaborate response! Yeah, of course, I'll check it out! :D