Working on editing what's already posted and hopefully soon we'll be posting some new shorts and adding new parts to others. <3 Thanks for your patience.
Working on editing what's already posted and hopefully soon we'll be posting some new shorts and adding new parts to others. <3 Thanks for your patience.
@DonovanCatuncan Haha I don't mind, My Crack Brothah!? xD In fact I am so honored! Means a lot my horny demonic friend haha!
Aww no problem, of course I would add your work to the faves on here! and stalk you... I mean follow you! Just hadn't gotten around to it yet...till now. ^.^ <3
@DonovanCatuncan Haha so you finally found it huh? Damn... our secret is out. haha just kidding. I just saw this message how the heck did I miss it? -.- Well anyway thanks for checking it out! <3
We would like to thank everyone that has fanned us. Also a big thanks to everyone that reads our work, votes and comments. The support means a ton and we apologize for our lack of new one shots. Hopefully soon we will have more finished to share here. <3