
Sorry guys but I will be deleting Neobook as I find it very complicated and I don’t have much room left on my phone. I might go online to update my book on there but other than that I will not be on Neobook now.


Ok so soon I will begin to take screenshots of my book and start to post them on this account from the beginning. I am sorry it’s taking so long to start it but with school starting up and this whole problem it’s been stressful. Not to mention I’m working on another book as well. Hopefully I will have my desired amount of “back up” chapters soon and can start posting it. Have a lovely day,
            -Mystic Snape 


  Hello guys. I am so very sorry I have not posted in a while but I couldn’t get back into my account so I’ve had to make a new one.
            Sadly, this means I will have to restart the book but please, let me know if I should just continue where I left off or start over and have the whole book on this account.
            Again so sorry for the inconvenience,
          -Mystic Snape


Hi! I just wanted to say I will soon be posting the first ten chapters of my book on Neobook very soon as I just need to add a new more first! Sorry for the long wait but life has been hectic and I haven’t had the motivation to just sit here and press ‘copy’ then ‘paste’ as it takes awhile to do like five chapters and I have like zero patience lol. 
            So really I’m just saying I haven’t forgotten and I’m just taking my time at doing it!
            Btw: I’m not deleting my book from Wattpad just adding it to a new platform to reach more people.
            Have a lovely day,
            -Mystic Snape


I may not update my book for a while for a few reasons. 1: I like to ‘stock up’ on chapters so I can post them and I can take a break from writing. 2: I am currently making a profile on Neobook and copying this book over there so I will be on two apps so that will take awhile to do.
            So with life events that are currently very stressful at the moment will also slow down things as a family member just got out of the hospital. I really hope you understand and I do apologize.
            -Mystic Snape


@MysticSnap Bro, that is calm, your own life obviously comes first x Can't wait for an update!