Nicohle Christopherson (that's me) was born on May 28th, 1989 in a small hospital in Deming, New Mexico. Since then, she has lived in many states, including Colorado, Nevada, West Virginia, Kansas, and Oklahoma. She has read as many books as humanly possible to get one's hands on, knocking many a librarian for a loop. However, Nicohle found her one true love in the form of fantasy.

A fan of authors such as Anne McCaffrey, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchet, Holly Black, Kij Johnson, and Robert Greene, Nicohle has come to discover a love of Self-Help books as well. One day, she hopes to achieve the levels of success that her favorites have achieved, and perhaps become a household name. For now, however, she is content weaving her stories of wonder and diversity as much as possible.

In high school, she found another love, that of Japanese Anime. This lead to an increased adoration for manga and storylines more complex than perhaps what is appropriate for children her age at the time. However, this has influenced her work and allowed her to open her mind to new and exciting possibilities. She is now an internet addict, with a large collection of books, living in her best friend's basement in Colorado.

An avid Nanowrimo-er, and a knitter on the side, Nicohle is working on her first book, Knight of Kuryle, which will kick off her Kurylian Saga with a bang! Look forward to news on this series, and more to come later!

How to contact me:

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Twitter - @NicohleC
  • Colorado
  • הצטרףJune 26, 2017

2 Reading Lists