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It's funny how we tell others not to give up but we have long given up They say that the more you hide your feelings the deeper you fall...didn't know how true these words were until now  It sucks when the one who broke your heart didn't even know he did,  especially when he didn't do much or nothing at, my mind is telling me to get it together this ain't will I learn not to fall first or not to "catch feelings". At least that's what he says.


It's funny how we tell others not to give up but we have long given up They say that the more you hide your feelings the deeper you fall...didn't know how true these words were until now  It sucks when the one who broke your heart didn't even know he did,  especially when he didn't do much or nothing at, my mind is telling me to get it together this ain't will I learn not to fall first or not to "catch feelings". At least that's what he says.


It's funny how we tell others not to give up but we have long given up They say that the more you hide your feelings the deeper you fall...didn't know how true these words were until now  It sucks when the one who broke your heart didn't even know he did,  especially when he didn't do much or nothing at, my mind is telling me to get it together this ain't will I learn not to fall first or not to "catch feelings". At least that's what he says.


It's funny how we tell others not to give up but we have long given up They say that the more you hide your feelings the deeper you fall...didn't know how true these words were until now  It sucks when the one who broke your heart didn't even know he did,  especially when he didn't do much or nothing at, my mind is telling me to get it together this ain't will I learn not to fall first or not to "catch feelings". At least that's what he says.


Hi again, NaNa.  I'm so delighted that you have followed through with the follow.
          Since you're from Ghana, I hope you don't get bored with stories set all or in part in Liberia.
          A Girl Redeemed ends in the remote village of Bolahun, where I was a Peace Corps teacher, and Risking All for Love begins there.
          The house you see on my profile picture is the house I once lived in.
          My experiences in Africa are woven into my fictional stories.
          Real people have inspired my characters.
          For example,  both of the above stories include Manfred, the manager of the Peace Corps Hostel.
          Manfred in real life was from Accra and once a sergeant in the British Army.
          He loved Accra. When in Monrovia, we often conversed. 
          It's a cultural custom to ask, "Bring me something" when  one goes on vacation.
          I brought him a white shirt--to his surprise-- from Nairobi.
          I treat him and all my African characters with respect.
          Google Elizabeth Sele Mulbah. That dynamic lady was once my student.
          She's Mother Elizabeth in my stories.
          No worries that some of my stories may not interest you.
          I don't coerce even my oldest friends here to read my stories.
          Just have yourself an awesome time here on Wattpad.
          Thank you.


@NanaYaa06  You would think that I was there in Bolahun for years instead  of  two.  I was but a small part of the work there.  Holy Cross Mission was an independent  mission began by the fathers and monks of the Order of the Holy Cross in 1922.  In 1974, I   visited  their  main monastery  in New York and spoke with the original  father who founded the  mission.   In 1966, I   spoke Father Stevens. Saying, "I don't  want to die here (in Bolahun)."  He said that where he died didn't  matter. "Put me between  two (African woven) mats, and lay me in the ground." After I departed Bolahun, Father Stevens began work at the Mbalatahun Leper Colony nearby.  Off and on he worked there until his death  in 2007 at age 93 among people he loved.  His words to me 41 years earlier  were like a prophecy.  They buried him African  style, between two straw mats, just like he said he'd  like to go.  I wrote a letter of condolences  to their main monastery.


@TerryP It's awe-inspiring hearing about all the people God has used you to bless... Don't stop! In your words and actions keep blessing lives. My prayer is that one day, someone will also tell me,  "Because of you I didn't give up"


@NanaYaa06  Many Liberians fled the war and now are here on the East Coast. That includes former residents and students of Bolahun. They have reestablished the schools at the abandoned Holy Cross Mission. Now they meet in conference.  In June it was led by  a man, who at age 12, once washed dishes for me and loved to read my books. Having been Chairman of Cuttington University Science Department before the war but now teaching Advanced Chemistry in New Jersey, said he owed everything he is to what Holy Cross Mission did for him. A hundred others (many of them my friends) said the same thing at the conference.  Since I was also a career soldier (1973-1994)  I have helped raise nearly $5,000 for Bolahun schools at our local army chapel, where I attend Christian services.