Hey yall! Today I created an account just for the books @Nandemo-chanOfficial
First chapter to one of them is already out. This one is a little...bloody hehe
Hope yall enjoy :3
Hey yall! Today I created an account just for the books @Nandemo-chanOfficial
First chapter to one of them is already out. This one is a little...bloody hehe
Hope yall enjoy :3
No dobra. One-shot świąteczny zrobione ^^
Teraz tylko rozdział do książki. Postaram się na jutro. Nwm czy zdążę dziś -_-''
Wesołych świąt
Okey. I did this christmas one-shot ^^
Now just to make part to my book. I will try to make it on tomorrow. I don't know if I will make it -_-'''
Merry Christmas
O mother! Results of my first tests in Spain ...
Rating scale: 1-10
My grades: technique => 6, math => 5'7
Aaaaaaa I passed XD
O matko! Moje pierwsze oceny z testów w Hiszpanii...
Skala ocen: 1-10
Moje oceny: technika => 6, matematyka 5'7
Aaaaaa zdałam XD
For now, I have agreed that the drawings will be on Tuesdays and the quotes will be on Wednesdays. I have no idea when books. Tell me...do u prefer Countryhumans, DC or Ninjago?
Na razie ustaliłam, że rysunki będą we wtorki a cytaty będą w środy. Jeszcze nie wiem kiedy rozdziały. Napiszcie...wolicie Countryhumans, DC czy Ninjago?