
@twerkingforfreepizza are you going to upload it again?!!


@Nataly_Montiel YOUVE NEVER HAD CHIPOTLE BUT ITS CHICAGO THEY HAVE TO HAVE CHIPOTLE OMG WHAT IS LIFE?!?!?!?! good luck and don't think negative dudeee


LMAO I never had it o; what is it?? I just came home from school .-. it was so boring and i felt awkward ._. at least i get my service hours


Lmfao and I will cha cha slide for you too! It seems like a cool school. My hs is three schools in one, i feel like i know no one though /.- but the parties are fun! 
          I'll message here too! So you don't feel left out and wattpad has been acting weird a lot lately! 


I know like wtf wattpad. Get your shit together xD And i felt like that during orientation because everyone mostly had a other people from their old school going. I only have 1 girl going and she's going to the July orientation. But i made at least like 5 friends? Yay? And was it scary when you first went to high school or is it just an exaggeration? 
            OHH! My old school wants me to go from 8:30-1 from tuesday-friday next week to like answer their phones. Should i go?LIke i can get those service hours. I need 10 per semester during freshman year