Hiya (^~^) 

I'm Tash

And I'm an asshole

so deal with it or leave.

I am an aggressive emotional roller coaster. Once again... Deal. With IT. Ya. Twat.

Speaking of twats..
Why are you still reading this?

I mean... I could go on and on about how stupid and pathetic I am... And you are still. reading it? What are you? Some kind of N00B?

I can't talk really, I'm a noob... :p oh well...

I live down under... in his pants. I mean Australia.

And I am a potato....

a kawaii potato... :3

but still. ....

are you still really this interested in what I have to say? for christ sake, you're just wasting time.. literally....
  • Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
  • انضمAugust 14, 2015


قصة بقلم TashBear
1 قائمة قراءة