So... have you guys ever dealt with a person that is considered really fake? Because I have and thank god I don't follow them anymore.
Basically, they have a no swearing policy on there work and account because it brings down there mood and creativity... I'm sorry can you run by that again? because to me this really just sounds like a lame excuse to tell people not to swear.
I've noticed that it's in people's nature to swear because it shows real emotion instead "This (Character) is a butt!" I would get if you're a kid and you are taught not to swear and not to do this and that. You get the okay in my book and try to stay pure and innocent as you can. However for people that do because they can and it expresses how people feel, then I say go ahead because that's you, be you.
I don't believe in the user's excuse of that it brings down here mood and that she wants pure and happiness, I get it's there wish but really that shouldn't affect something that you like to do or if you that sensitive, I suggest looking for somewhere else or say you are kid-friendly because that really pissed me off that they are giving a weak excuse to not have people swear.
Why do I say the person is fake, I mostly mean acts fake because that they express there deep dark emotions and need sympathy from people, but someone could have a problem or, what they do stories so people can understand, a book and they won't read it because they don't really care.
This person I still know from my old fanfic groups and they still write the stuff which is fine and I have no problem reading it, but I have a problem when people just act so flat-out fake and then suck people in to believe it.
You want to be a "Real" person I would suggest be real and use those words instead of hiding behind a mask or smoke and mirrors.