
Heyo Guys! So my school, is either attempting to block wattpad or there is just something fishy going on. Anyway, if I stop updating for a while im sorry, because like this is really the only time I have to make any progress because i dont have wifi at home, so updating there is kind of difficult.


Heyo Guys! So my school, is either attempting to block wattpad or there is just something fishy going on. Anyway, if I stop updating for a while im sorry, because like this is really the only time I have to make any progress because i dont have wifi at home, so updating there is kind of difficult.


Heya guys!
          So I love love love my PewdieCry a the moment, I think it is getting so so good for myself and my first piece of actually writing. 
          So thank you to everybody and all that is reading it. 
          But I am going to ask some more of you guys. 
          If youre reading this, or reading the story, comment on it. Tell me if you guys like it or not because I am really open to constructive criticism and I would love to here what you guys think of it. 
          Also share it with others, tag me in whatever, put the word out there for me! :)
          I love you all so so so much and I hope youre loving my writing as much as I am.


Hello my beauties, 
          It seems as though every week is the same thing. 
          But they truly aren't.  
          Not anymore. 
          I am taking a break from both my stories. 
          One of my friends committed suicide this week, and I am not okay at all. 
          I love you all so very very much. 
          If you need anything, I swear anything.  Dont be afraid to get ahold of me at any of my social media
          Facebook- Nicole Renee Bredeson
          Instagram- Life_is_phan_is_life
          twitter- @phanbrand
          Snapchat- Nbredeson72
          Tumblr- Life-is-phan-is-life
          I love you all. Please please please stay safe. 
          You are all better than toast ;)


Hey guys! I am so so so sorry for not updating anything this week (there wont be a PewdieCry today) I have had the flu and i've just been so so sick so I haven't be online a lot.I'll try and get back in the swing of things but I am really busy tonight with a bunch of school stuff I missed these last few days. 
          I love you all and I am sorry!


Hey guys! So my book "PewdieCry: A Love Story" has reached over a hundred views! Wooow. I know this isn't a huge accomplishment in the world of many fanfics with thousands of views, but it's a great one for me! 
          Thank you to everybody who read it!
          More chapters coming soon! 
          Love you!! ❤️