
Okay so, I'm not that big of a K-Pop fan anymore, still listen and watch occasionally, but not that much. But today (yesterday actually) I found out that one of ASTRO's members Moonbin have passed away. He was found by his manager in his apartment and Fantagio already confirmed it. It's suspected that his death is because of suicide 
          	The saddest thing is that ASTRO JUST HAD A COMEBACK AND THEY JUST CANCELLED A CONCERT. There's some clip and videos of him around and he looked like a happy cheerful guy, like his smile is literally bright. 
          	My condolences and rest in peace Moonbin. May your light always shines bright. 


Okay so, I'm not that big of a K-Pop fan anymore, still listen and watch occasionally, but not that much. But today (yesterday actually) I found out that one of ASTRO's members Moonbin have passed away. He was found by his manager in his apartment and Fantagio already confirmed it. It's suspected that his death is because of suicide 
          The saddest thing is that ASTRO JUST HAD A COMEBACK AND THEY JUST CANCELLED A CONCERT. There's some clip and videos of him around and he looked like a happy cheerful guy, like his smile is literally bright. 
          My condolences and rest in peace Moonbin. May your light always shines bright. 


Izin promosi cerita pertamaku.
          Jangan lupa tinggalin jejak~
          Alvin bertransmigrasi ke bumi. Ia terjebak di tubuh seorang lelaki berparas cantik yang telah dipukuli sampai babak belur 
          Usut punya usut, ternyata tubuh yang Alvin tempati memiliki banyak beban hidup. Hutang yang menumpuk, kemiskinan, dan pelecehan seksual harus ia tanggung.
          "Bajingan mana yang membuatku berada di tubuh menyedihkan ini?!!"
          Dijamin bakal seru! Kalau nggak percaya coba aja deh



I swear my brain does the weirdest things when I'm about to sleep, like right now I can't get the Shaun the Sheep opening song out of my head, which led me to search for the full lyrics of the Shaun the Sheep opening song on google. The song is quite catchy though :/


Sumpah deh gue pengen nangis sama mukul apa kek gitu, novel favorit gue yang gue baca dari situs yang sering gue kunjungin, ILANG gitu nggak ketemu, ngga bisa diakses lagi situsnya dan butuh password segala macem gitu. Bukan 1 tapi 2-3 novel. Sumpah gue pengen nangis tapi daritadi gue tahan². Gue tau itu tuh keputusan translator nya dan gue harus hormatin, mungkin mereka ada masalah yang harus bikin mereka berhenti nerjemahin dan hapus terjemahannya, gue tau. Tapi.... Gimana ya.... Gue masih merasa sedih gitu, kecewa juga, soalnya novel² itu tuh adalah salah satu moodbooster gue, yang bikin gue seneng. Gue juga ngga bisa marahin translator nya karena mungkin juga mereka terpaksa ngelakuin ini. Gue tau gue drama banget pake bikin essai soal ginian segala, tapi gue pengen ngeluarin aja gitu, soalnya gue pengen curhat soal ginian juga butuh tempat yang aman wkwkwk. Gue sih berharap ada yang lanjutin nerjemahin lagi, kalo ngga ada ya yaudah. Bingung mo nangis apa mo ketawa. 


Hi mareh! Sorry for disturbing  you, but can you please!  Jebal.... support  my story titled  "Secret  Beauty "? If you like school stories and scenes  that you might  relate well  then, this story fits you. And also dont forget  to like and share! I'm  waiting  for your feedback.


your pfp is *chef's kiss*


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk if it's just my imagination but I feel like I saw u somewhere. I just don't remember where


@ Nicoismysenpai  why thank you ❤️