Also everyone;
          	Happy new year(late)
          	Happy valentines day(late)
          	Merry Christmas(also late)
          	Happy birthday to anyone who's following me who's B-day  lies between August 30th and March 1st❤️❤️
          	F trump, elon, and that vance guy (I hate all those creatures.)
          	my momma is boycotting big companies like the ones that support trump, and his stupid plans, and now we gonna just start getting our goods at small, lesser known markets and shi. so y'all should too.


Also everyone;
          Happy new year(late)
          Happy valentines day(late)
          Merry Christmas(also late)
          Happy birthday to anyone who's following me who's B-day  lies between August 30th and March 1st❤️❤️
          F trump, elon, and that vance guy (I hate all those creatures.)
          my momma is boycotting big companies like the ones that support trump, and his stupid plans, and now we gonna just start getting our goods at small, lesser known markets and shi. so y'all should too.


omg... I've been dead for almost a year (´. ̯.`) my bad y'all, school's been rough and Im failing. probably gonna have to do summer school again. ꌩ-ꌩ  but Imma lock in now. 
          anyways don't think i was doing absolutely nothing y'allz, Im not that kida gal, I've been focusing more on like Fictional stories rather than my currently up fanfics. so I guess if your into original-ish pieces you'll loik forward to my upcoming stories. they might even become webtoons or something someday.
          Okay besides that I just wanted to check in with you all, Cuz I broke 2 phones one last september and the other like in november or december, so I hadn't had the time to come on here. mainly just forgot to install it tho, woops lol. Anyways i Hope you've all been doing amazing and keep doing amazing.


this message may be offensive
Yall just coming On here to talk about my 1st year of highschoil experience... 
          A lot actually happened surprisingly lol the feildtrips were mediocre and I've already heard from my sibs that they only really spend money on the freshman and ur basically just in school all the time if ur in any other grade ig their way of saying "ur older now so go on ur own trips lmao".
          Anyways my experience was a solid 4/10 food was always shit I dont think that'll change any time soon so I'll just stick to getting my own lunches everyday when I get a job/money. 
          And since I moved I've been exponentially later ro school since I'm now 2hrs away instead of just 10-30 mins (big jump) very hard to get used to cuz im not a fan of going to bed early and if I go to bed early then I wake up early like 2-4am early and wth am I supposed to do then? Get ready then leave???!! Like my counselor be asking for too much like ik I'm late but I don't wanna be getting up at the Crack of dawn to go to school early I'd rather be late lmao.
          But for the upcoming school year I'll try to adopt a more early bird mindset and whatnot I'll start bringing my backpack to school be more prepared wash on time or on a daily schedule cuz I'll be back in by 2 weeks from today or sooner sooo yes.
          Have an amazing day yallllll I'll probably come back in like a month or 2 weeks to update on my first day or to rant about how I did remotely close to nothing this entire summer except lie down in my bed all day and all night ❤️❤️


@Ni-Ki_isMYMANZ Lmao you're fine I also disappeared for a while


Also not me responding like 3 months later Xp


@JulianaPeterson9 like we went to bodaborg and roller world and had many other cool events not trynna brag but school is so boring cuz I don't have any female friends (that I had in middle school) to talk to and I'm too much of an introvert to actually keep a conversation and only think of what to say like days to weeks later this has nothing to do with anything but whatever and have a nice day


Yall ever just have that moment where something weird or painful is/has happened to ur body and you think ur gonna die?  Like that's me rn I dunno what I hit my had on but now I got two(I need help I just spelt two like to TvT)  pink fleshy marks on em. 
          And there was another time where I just let my thoughts take over my actions and u gave myself a hickey on my shoulder and my forearm and I fr thought someone would notice even though I literally am only in my bed all day and night and rarely come down to eat untill I feel like getting up lol.
          Anywayssssss this was such a stupid rant but hope yall have an amazing day or night ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hiw well is everyone baking rn?? Cuz where I'm at it just went up 6 degrees in 2 hours yall TvT no summer school today cuz it's gonna top 100 today
           (and my sister fr said that June was the hottest month she so silly for that lmao that's like saying November is the coldest winter month when we all(should) know it's mid December to early January fr.)
          Anyways hope yall don't go medium rare and keep ur ac's and fans on when ur out ur house!! (you'll feel 10x better stepping into cool air after a hot ass day outside)❤️❤️❤️


O YEAAHHHH YALL IM SUCH A DELINQUENT I HAVE TO DO FRIGGEN SUMMER SCHOOLLLLL and no im not happy about that. Even though it's just a month that's a mitnth planned for me to just laze around and be a bed potato now I gotta spend 2 hours studying all the biology I missed for A FRIGGEN MONTHHHHH UGHHGH GN FHFFHHFHFHF 
          Anyways hope yall are def spending UT summer better than I am TvT.  And have an amazing rest or ur night or day and just know I'm not going tomorrow cuz I have an appointment and I'll get shots and it's supposed to be the first day tmrwww lmaooo and my mom still hasn't finished my hair and I prolly look like a wreck rn-




@Ni-Ki_isMYMANZ ♡♡♡♡♡♡ur welcome♡


@God_loves_meth and thankssss ❤️❤️❤️


@God_loves_meth I mean im not either I wasn't online for so long that I forgot to hit the "announce to my followers" button no nobody saw it unless they checked my profile lmao