Hi here's my bio.. As if you couldn't guess;) 

-I'm 15 almost 16
-I like reading, writing and stormy weather :p
-I LOVE sports I'm pretty active xD
-My favourite food is poutine :)
-My best friends are Helaina, Becky, Brandon, Jordan and of course my wonderful boyfriend Brennan :)
-I was definitely born in the wrong generation
-I don't live tv.. Lol it a waste of time IMO
-I have two cats..
-I can't wait to move to Niagara
-Grade Ten :p
  • انضمAugust 15, 2014

قصة بقلم NiagaraStoner420
Heartbreaker بقلم NiagaraStoner420
Heartbreaker Hi, before I get into the story I should probably start off by telling you a little about myself...