
Okay, my fellow Wattpadians, the time is fast approaching for TIDES OF SORROW (Book I in The Mortal Coil series) to leave this platform permanently. The next two books in the series, THE CRIMSON FLOW and THE RISE OF HAVEL will also be removed in due course.
          	If you are currently reading any of these books, please note that they are pending removal from Wattpad. They will soon be available on Amazon as ebooks and paperbacks.
          	A HUGE thank you to all who have taken the time to read my series, it is immensely appreciated. I hope you will kindly support my efforts by leaving a review on Amazon once the books are made available.
          	Many thanks and I wish you all the very best, always.


@dahyunxox Aww, thank you so much. It's a relief to have that one finished really, tho' I enjoyed working on it. Plus, of course, his story continues in Rogue Firefury, so its all tied in. I think from now on, I may only be sticking with fanfiction on Wattpad. I do have some more ideas for Warcraft-based ones, but I may try some other fandoms eventually. Any original fiction will have a short life on this platform.


@NightElflady I can't wait to sit down and read all I've missed with Sauren!! :,) Your works have meant so much to me and I'm so glad its finally done<3


Hey love I saw that you posted about my friends book Stranger In My Bed. You didn't mean no harm.


@PizzaHutGuy @NightElflady It's not your fault love. And you're right, she shouldn't deprive her readers by deleting her books. 


@PizzaHutGuy No, I didn't mean any harm at all. It has made me realise, though, that not all interactions are wanted. I'm sad I upset her; that was not my intent. I was reacting honestly to how I view a kidnapper. It wasn't a sabotage attempt of her book, bless. Nevertheless, I won't interact any more.


Okay, my fellow Wattpadians, the time is fast approaching for TIDES OF SORROW (Book I in The Mortal Coil series) to leave this platform permanently. The next two books in the series, THE CRIMSON FLOW and THE RISE OF HAVEL will also be removed in due course.
          If you are currently reading any of these books, please note that they are pending removal from Wattpad. They will soon be available on Amazon as ebooks and paperbacks.
          A HUGE thank you to all who have taken the time to read my series, it is immensely appreciated. I hope you will kindly support my efforts by leaving a review on Amazon once the books are made available.
          Many thanks and I wish you all the very best, always.


@dahyunxox Aww, thank you so much. It's a relief to have that one finished really, tho' I enjoyed working on it. Plus, of course, his story continues in Rogue Firefury, so its all tied in. I think from now on, I may only be sticking with fanfiction on Wattpad. I do have some more ideas for Warcraft-based ones, but I may try some other fandoms eventually. Any original fiction will have a short life on this platform.


@NightElflady I can't wait to sit down and read all I've missed with Sauren!! :,) Your works have meant so much to me and I'm so glad its finally done<3


Good morning, afternoon or evening - wherever you may be in the world.
          I'm very happy to announce TIDES OF SORROW is being published as an ebook and paperback. Therefore, the book will be unpublished from here when it’s made available on Amazon, which will be fairly soon. In due course, the sequels, THE CRIMSON FLOW and THE RISE OF HAVEL will be similarly published, but until then, they will remain here.
          I just want to sincerely thank all who gave my creativity a chance and read these stories. Your time, comments, interaction and votes are all deeply appreciated. I would hope, and love it, if you would also be kind enough to pop over to Amazon and give my stories some reviews thus helping me earn a bit of respect within the ever-expanding world of self-publishing authors.
          I will remain a Wattpadian, keeping my fanfiction, public domain works, and some original fiction on the site, as I plan to add to these genres in time.
          I will finish up by giving you a sneak peek of the astounding cover for ToS, which was created by Victoria Davies (Vikki) at, a very talented graphic artist indeed.
          Wishing you all a great day. Happy reading and writing.


@donnaf1828 thank you so much and also for your continued support x


@NightElflady Congratulations!! The cover looks great. I couldn't open the link. It kept saying the link wasn't available or something like that, so I went  and looked at your book list. Best wishes for every success. Xo


I JUST completed Sauron, The Twisted. Blade, and it was a wonderful read.  I am looking forward to Rogue Firefury next, and thank you for the hours of exciting reading!!!


@kalidog Thank you so much for following Sauren's story, I truly appreciate that you saw it through to the end. He is a complex character, and for all his faults and fiendish traits, I confess to being rather fond of him - in his own story at least. I'll be interested to know what you think of him after you read ROGUE FIREFURY. Thanks again and happy reading.


Hello, fellow Wattpadians (with a special mention to those who like fanfiction). 
          At last, I have completed SAUREN, THE TWISTED BLADE. It is a fanfiction piece (World of Warcraft) I started in 2017 and has taken all this time to complete. I hope those who began Sauren's journey will feel inclined to return now that it is complete. Hopefully, new readers will open the book too. 
          It is primarily an OC piece, the main character being Sauren, Nightflame (of the title), and a number of other OCs. However, the NPCs included are: 
          King Teranas,
          Queen Liane,
          Dar'Khan Drathir,
          Jarod Shadowsong,  
          Chieftain Zul'jin, 
          Princess Calia.
          Those who are familiar with my WoW Fanfiction will know I do not stick religiously to the lore (but then again, storylines tend to be inconsistent, containing blips at times, thanks to the numerous authors involved in creating Azerothian tales - sorry, Blizzard, but it's true). Nevertheless, I've kept it relevant to the timeline (just before and after the Second War). However, I've still added my twist to certain aspects (namely interactions between Elves and humans). which may irk some hardened WoWers, but what IS fanfiction if we cannot play about with the lore? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the tale. 
          Also, I am working on another fanfiction piece, again of the WoW fandom. This time, however, I am reluctant to post anything until it is complete. 


@NightElflady I may speak for everyone when I  say, I hear that! It's often harder to pick a piece back up after a long break too than steamrolling through one with momentum.


@0penpage Thank you kindly. It was indeed a lot of work, but the main reason it took so long was more to do with the fact I became distracted doing other things. Nonetheless, it is a relief to have finally finished it.


@NightElflady congratulations on completing this, 2017, that's a lot of work. I wish you the best with it. 


Hello, my lovelies. I've just posted the next three chapters of The Curse Of Ishtar, my werewolf story. Going forward, I'm hoping to do weekly updates although as to how many chapters each week I can't predict at this moment. 
          However, I hope you will join me on this journey, and please, don't be silent. As it is a new genre I'm experimenting with, I'd love to know your thoughts. 


Hi, everybody; I hope you're all having a great day or night, depending on where you are in the world.
          Just a wee heads up. I've unpublished 2 chapters of THE CURSE OF ISHTAR. I'm still a bit rusty, having been absent from writing for the best part of 2 years apart from the odd little short now and again. But, I want to work a bit more on TCoI, and I'm considering changing the POV. So, it will be back up in due course, but I think it's best to try to sharpen it up a bit and hopefully attract some more interest.
          Thank you to those who've given it a chance so far; I really appreciate your time spent reading my works. Hopefully, this decision to unpublish for now, won't put you off following the story once it's back up.


Hello everyone.
          Just to let you know, I've entered The Undead Challenge via the @WattpadVampires profile.
          The task was to select a daily prompt and write between 30 - 50 words as a CONTINUATION of the prompt. Altogether, there are 8 prompts, and you can select as many or as few as you wish, but they must be submitted individually via a form (located in the Vampires of the Week Book). 
          To say it's tough keeping a yarn limited to 30 - 50 words is an understatement. I found it extraordinarily tricky. But I persevered and have submitted my entries (all 8 of them).
          If you'd like to read my efforts, nip over to The Gateway where the entries start at chapter 39, with Rose Day.
          If you also want to participate, you have until 29th February to submit your entries. Details can be found in


@joyceholt Thank you very much, Joyce :)


@NightElflady  Tricky indeed! But you did it, and did it well.


It has recently been brought to my attention that hovering over the Ongoing tab on a story's initial page (the one with all the blurb and contents), states that your story was 'First published on (whatever date)'. But that information is INCORRECT. It actually reflects only when a DRAFT was crafted. This is very misleading to those staging contests, especially when each chapter actually published for the public illustrates the correct date of publication directly alongside. It is also very unfair for contestants when entering certain contests as they may end up being disqualified as a result.


@NightElflady That's really interesting. I didn't know that.


Hello everyone. Just a quick note to you all know I'm trying my hand at ONC2024. Fingers crossed, I manage to reach all 3 milestones over the coming 3 months.
          It's also a first for me in that the genre I've chosen to enter is a Werewolf story. It's a genre I've not dabbled in before, so I'm super excited to try something new. 
          I've just posted the 1st two chapters (which have amply covered the requirements for the 1st milestone - 2,000 words). I really hope I don't fall by the wayside, misunderstand any of the rules or get something completely wrong.
          I want to take this opportunity to wish all contestants the very best of luck in this year's contest, and that we hold true by encouraging and supporting one another over the duration of ONC2024.
          So, without further ado, please give my story "The Curse of Ishtar" a looksie. If you like it, please pop it a vote and a comment (I beg you not to be a silent reader) and recommend it to your followers and/or other readers. Thank you :)